Thogoto TTC


Thogoto-Gikambura-Mutarakwa Rd

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Welcome To Thogoto Teachers Training College

Producing highly qualified CBC Compliant professional teachers

in order to deliver the requisite skills, competencies and attitudess, it is of paramount importance to have the right kind of education and training system in place. It is therefore necessary to address issues related to quality, relevance, equity, service delivery, teacher development and efficient management at all levels

In the 21st century, the global diversity and technological change, has necessitated education transformation in different parts of the world, Africa inclusive. this has been informed by the advancementin information technology which requires teachers to be retained so as to cope with such emerging new technology. This will enable teachers to prepare their students for the new global technological advancement trends.

The new technology in teaching and learning is being used in many countries such as Kenya digital schools. It is therefore imperative that teachers are prepared on how to implement this change in the classrooms

Margaret W. C. Khainga,

Chief Principal, Thogoto TTC

About Thogoto TTC

Thogoto Teachers Training College was founded by the Church of Scotland Mission in 1947.

To Provide holistic education that will enhance the teacher's competence, responsibility and creativity to meet the challenges of a dynamic society through efficient use of resources.

What We Provide

To Provide holistic education that will enhance the teacher's competence, responsibility and creativity to meet the challenges of a dynamic society through efficient use of resources
A group of young multi ethnic group of student in the coollege modelling

Student Life

Student Life is here for you, ready and eager to help all students get the most out of their experiences at our great college where every tutor matters

Group of students painting at art lessons

Art & Clubs

Art and Craft is one of the subjects taught here and there are quite a number of clubs and societies

Intensive Training at Sports Center

Sports & Fitness

Physical Health Education is a subject taught in the college and hence the physical fitness of every learner is not a question


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Active student tutors
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Years Of History
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Graduated Students
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Professional Tutors
Our Lecturers

Competent Instructors And Lecturers During the 69th Graduation Ceremony

Prof. Charles Ochieng Ong'ondo, MBS Director/CEO, KICD,Eng.Kamunyu Kahenya ,Mrs.Margaret W. C. Khainga,Chief Principal Thogoto TTC and the staff members during the 69th graduation ceremony photo session with the graduands

Margaret W. C. Khainga

Chief Principal

Eng. B. K. Njenga

Chairman BOM

We Work Hard To Prepare Every Student For Their Professional Life after college

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